How To Respond To A Break Up Over Text

Getting dumped is never fun, but it happens to everyone. Nowadays with social media and cell phones, there is a growing wave of guys and girls who take the cowardly way of breaking up over text message. When this happens to you, it can be completely devastating, especially if it comes out of the blue. We’ve created this guide on how to respond to a breakup over text to help you out if this ever happens to you. In this guide we will cover:

  • What to say to a break up text
  • What to do after the break up
  • Why people break up over text

What To Say To A Break Up Text

Being broken up with over text can come as a complete shock and you might not really know how to respond. Most people have been broken up with before, it sucks, but it happens. Being broken up with over text is completely new territory for most people. Usually relationships are ended face to face, and you don’t have the time to think of a response, you just react in the moment. 

A breakup text message presents a unique opportunity to really think about how to respond, since you’re not obligated to reply right away. When you get the text, the first thing you are going to want to do is lash out. You might be very angry and hurt, especially if the breakup is coming out of nowhere. Instead of lashing out, we recommend you set down your phone and take a step back. Relax yourself before you respond. You want to respond rationally and maturely to the whole situation, instead of in an angry outburst.

After you’ve collected yourself, we recommend that you take the high road and remain understanding about the whole situation. In the long run you’re probably better off without the person anyways, so even though it might hurt at first, just be understanding in your reply. 

If you’re the type that really needs closure, you can ask further questions to try to any clarification you need. Otherwise just remain calm and try to make any arrangements if you need to pick up things from each other, and be prepared to go your separate ways. You will feel a lot better about yourself if you react maturely to the whole situation.

What To Do After the Breakup

If the relationship that just ended was a very significant relationship that just ended out of the blue you will very likely be in shock for awhile. Slowly the reality of the situation will set in, and you will go through a range of emotions before you will be happy again. For your own well being it is important to find healthy outlets during this stressful period. Go to the gym, reach out to family and friends, or find a healthy escape in your favorite Movies and T.V. shows. If you need more ideas read our full guide on getting over a relationship.

After the initial shock and anger of the relationship ending has passed, try to reflect on why you think the relationship went wrong, and what you want out of an ideal partner. Sometimes we are in relationships that really aren’t any good for us, and we don’t realize it until it’s over. Maybe you really weren’t right for each other. You may come out of the whole situation having learned a lot about yourself and the kind of partner you want, which means you will be one step closer to finding the one. 

Why Do People Breakup Over Text

People break up over text for many reasons. Guys and girls have been guilty of breaking up over text messages. Whether it’s a short term fling, or a serious relationship, some partners will prefer to break it up over texts. Sometimes they breakup over text messages because they are cowardly, and they are too afraid of confrontation. Sometimes this fear of confrontation can be completely justified, especially if their partner is known for violence and angry outbursts. 

Other times people breakup over text because they just have a complete disregard for the feelings of their partner. This may be a sign of immaturity. Odds are that if this is the case in your relationship, there were other red flags that you may have been ignoring. People deserve respect and should be able to say goodbye face to face. 

Don’t be the person that breaks up over text, seriously not cool (unless it’s for your own safety of course).