Research Shows 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Grandparents Bonding with Grandchildren

When I was a kid I always loved visiting my grandma’s house. My parents would drop us off at my grandma’s whenever they wanted a weekend getaway. Staying over at her house with all my brothers and cousins felt like a vacation. It was always full of good food and adventure. Those are some truly treasured moments of my childhood. But research suggests that the benefits of the grandparent and grandchild relationship extend beyond just enjoyment and cookies. 

Here are five amazing health benefits of grandparents being involved with grandchildren:

1. Lowers Risk of Alzheimer’s for Grandparents

Researchers from the Women’s Health Aging Project in Australia looked at how babysitting grandchildren could lower risk for Alzheimer’s. In their study that involved 186 women, they found that postmenopausal women who spend 1 day a week babysitting grandchildren had the highest cognitive scores (1). This suggests that caring for grandchildren may lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. 

2. Boosts Brain Function for Grandparents

A study published in 2014 in the Journal of Marriage and the Family found that grandparents who provide child care showed increased verbal fluency. This study highlights how spending time caring for grandchildren can boost the brain function of grandparents (2). When we take this study into account along with the lowered risk for Alzheimer’s, we can begin to see the positive effects that caring for grandchildren has on the brain. 

3. Increases Lifespan of Grandparents

Grandparents who babysit their grandchildren live on average five years longer than those who do not. Researchers analyzed data from 500 people aged 70 and older and found lower risks of death over a 20 year period (3). Studies have also shown that older adults who care for children that are not related to them also add to their lifespan. This highlights how providing childcare can help grandparents live long.  

4. Lowers Risk of Depression for Grandchildren

Researchers analyzed data from grandchildren aged 18-23 and found that those with better grandparent relations showed decreased depressive symptoms (4). This shows how having a good relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can improve the well-being of grandchildren.  

5. Improves Emotional Well-Being of Grandchildren

Grandchildren who are more involved with their grandparents show improved emotional well-being. One study that analyzed 1,500 children showed that those that had a high level of grandparental involvement had fewer emotional and behavioral problems (5).


The science clearly shows both grandparents and grandchildren benefit from having a good relationship and spending time together. In addition to the research above, many other studies have been done and found similar benefits of grandparents being involved in their grandkid’s lives. So next time you have a moment, give grandma a call. Because you both will benefit from it. 

Health Benefits of Grandparent - Grandchild Bond