How Does Discord Make Money?


Discord is a free voice and text application for desktop and mobile. It was initially developed for gaming but now there are many other chat channels communicating about a wide range of topics. You may be wondering how this popular freeware makes money. We’ll explain below.  How do they make money? They have several monetization … Read more

How Computer Science Benefits Society

how computer science benefits society

Computer science is important to the world for many reasons. Advances in technology can have many great benefits for society. When you think of an altruistic profession, the first ones that come to mind will very likely be: doctor, social worker, nurse, or something along those lines. Computer science professionals may not even come to … Read more

Famous Female Programmers

famous female programmers

The tech industry has always been a predominantly male field. Only 18% of all computer science bachelor’s degrees in the United States are earned by women. There are a wide variety of factors theorized to be behind the lack of females working in tech. One theory is that computers have always been marketed towards males, … Read more

4 Technology Innovations that Could Help the Environment

technology to help the environment

This year many nations around the globe are in the midst of record breaking heat waves. These record breaking heat waves have largely been attributed to climate change. The sobering reality is that if we do not take action on climate change immediately, the effects will soon be irreversible, and ht weather is just the … Read more