4 Technology Innovations that Could Help the Environment

This year many nations around the globe are in the midst of record breaking heat waves. These record breaking heat waves have largely been attributed to climate change. The sobering reality is that if we do not take action on climate change immediately, the effects will soon be irreversible, and ht weather is just the tip of the iceberg. Experts estimate climate change will have drastic consequences for the human race.

The key to stopping climate change is to cut our global emissions. One way to drastically reduce our production of environment harming greenhouse gases is through technological advances. Much of the world depends on greenhouse gas emitting industries for power, transportation and food, so eliminating these industries is not realistic. But technology innovations that stem our emission of these harmful gases could be what finally slows climate change. 

4 Technology Innovations That Could Help The Environment:

  1. Nuclear Fusion
  2. Advanced Electric Cars
  3. Lab Grown Meat
  4. Improved Manufacturing Technology

Nuclear Fusion

Modern electrical generation methods produce climate warming greenhouse gases (1). But experts around the globe are working towards nuclear fusion based power generation. Nuclear fusion emits zero greenhouse gases, which is more efficient and better for the environment than traditional ways of generating electricity. 

One such company working towards the dream of nuclear fusion is a company called General Fusion. They are attempting to push the envelope of fusion science to develop an emission free method of creating electricity.

Advanced Electric Cars

Another technological advancement that could help slow down climate change is the creation of advanced electrical cars that are capable of traveling similar distances as gas fueled cars. Transportation is responsible for about 23% of C02 emissions. So a new technology that is a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels could do wonders at stemming our carbon emissions. 

Lab Grown Meat

Another major culprit behind global emissions is the production of food. One way of reducing the emissions involved with producing our food supply is to create lab grown meat. One such company leading this change is Beyond Meat. They aim to feed the planet in a more environmentally sustainable way. Alternative methods of food production such as lab grown meat could drastically reduce our carbon emissions and help fight climate change.

Improved Manufacturing Technology

Advancements in manufacturing technology can also help fight climate change. It’s estimated that about 30% of our emissions come from manufacturing alone. Creating more environmentally friendly methods of manufacturing goods could greatly reduce our emissions. 

Global warming is real, and we are starting to see the effects of man made climate change now. Bringing industries responsible for the worlds infrastructure to a complete halt is not realistic, rather technological advancements that reduce our emissions are the key to slowing climate change and providing a better future for all.