Best Dry Fruit for The Brain

Which Dry Fruit is Good for the Brain?

A properly nourished brain can help you stay focused, boost memory, increase learning ability, and put you in a good mood. Since your brain is vital for everything you do , it’s important to get good nutrition so you’re functioning optimally. 

If you’re looking for ideas on quick snacks that will give your brain a little boost, certain dried fruits can offer many healthy benefits. Let’s take a look at dried fruits that are good for your brain.

Dried Fruit Brain Boosting Powerfoods: 


  • Raisins
  • Prunes
  • Dates



Raisins are an excellent source of boron. Studies of shown that participants taking boron showed increased attention and memory abilities (1). Raisins are also an excellent source of antioxidants which have been found to increase cognitive and motor performance (2). If you’re not already adding this brain healthy dry fruit to your diet, you can now see why you might want to start snacking on raisins.


Recent scientific developments have been increasingly showing the large role that diet plays in healthy cognition and management and prevention of brain diseases. One such study found that Vitamin C and polyphenols which are abundant in fruits like prunes play a large role in mental performance. It was also suggested that fruits such as prunes may be a cheap alternative way for managing mental health (3).


Increasingly research is showing how healthy lifestyle factors can minimize the risk for developing age related brain disorders such as Alzhiemers disease. This highlights the important role that a healthy diet can play in keeping a healthy brain as we age. One study showed a group that was given a date fruit supplement showed a neuroprotective factor that lowered the risk and onset of Alzheimer’s disease (4). This shows how adding dates to your diet can be beneficial in protecting cognitive performance. 

In summary adding more raisins, prunes, and dates to your diet may be useful in boosting and protecting your brain. If you’re looking for more ideas on how to have better brain health check out our full guide on the healthiest fruits for your brain.