How To Hard Boil an Egg

Are you wondering how to make the perfect hard boiled egg? Whether you’re cooking breakfast, making a healthy protein snack, or doing an egg dying project, the art of the perfect hard boiled egg is a great skill for anyone to have. Nobody wants to eat a gooey yolk or a rubber overcooked egg. 

Follow these 5 simple steps for the perfect hard boiled egg:

What You Will Need

  • Eggs
  • Saucepan
  • Burner


  1. Place your eggs in the saucepan and cover the eggs with cold water. The water should extend about 1 inch above the height of the eggs. 
  2. Place your saucepan on the burner and turn to high heat until the eggs just start to boil
  3. Remove the saucepan from the burner and turn it off. Cover the pan.
  4. Let the eggs sit in the hot water covered. Medium eggs should sit for about 9 minutes, large eggs should sit for about 12 minutes, extra large eggs should sit for about 15 minutes. 
  5. Drain the eggs and serve them, or run under cold water and refrigerate them for later use. 

Peeling Your Hard Boiled Egg

There are a number of ways to make peeling hard boiled eggs easier. You can roll them on a hard surface such as a cutting board to make a bunch of tiny cracks in the egg. This will make the shell fall off easier. There is also a popular method of shaking the egg around in a glass of cold water that was made popular by this youtube video. This is an extremely effective method that you may have never heard of!